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Picture without sound is “technical difficulties”, but sound without picture is radio…

Big Bear Sound has gained vast experience through many years of serving and supporting radio stations, studios and producers throughout Ireland in the commercial, community and education sectors.  From cutting-edge, state-of-the-art national broadcast facilities through to online streaming, local and teaching studios, we have products and solutions to suit every requirement and budget.

For documentaries and reporting, we supply a huge range of location equipment – e.g. mics, recorders, headphones – always favouring pro-quality, reliable, industry-standard gear that sounds great and keeps on going, leaving you to concentrate on capturing the content you want.

When it’s time to edit and construct your story, show or advert, we offer a range of computer-based production systems, with voice-over recording, sound design, metering and quality control, and backup and archiving.

We specialise in studio installations and can help you to plan, create and run your entire radio facility – incorporating production rooms and full on-air studios for music, interviews and chat.  We can take care of all the technical stuff – mixing console spec, playback and automation systems, programme logging, telephone hybrid & mix-minus solutions, red lights, wiring etc – and provide operator training and walk-throughs of the systems and workflow.


© Big Bear Sound Limited 2016. Registered Company No. 229739.
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